Boston Consulting Group anunță numirea lui Christoph Schweizer în funcția de CEO

28 mai 2021, 05.54 - Afaceri  

Munich - 28 mai 2021 -

Schweizer preia funcția de la Rich Lesser, care devine Președinte global al BCG

Boston Consulting Group (BCG), una dintre cele mai importante companii de consultanţă la nivel mondial, a anunțat astăzi numirea lui Christoph Schweizer ca nou director executiv al firmei. El va prelua această funcție începând cu 1 octombrie 2021. Schweizer, în vârstă de 48 de ani, este din 2017 șeful BCG pentru Europa Centrală și de Est și Orientul Mijlociu. El lucrează pentru BCG de peste 23 de ani, derulându-și activitatea în biroul BCG din New York,  între 2007 și  2012, iar în prezent  are sediul la München, asistând clienți de pe fiecare continent.

Schweizer a fost ales în noua poziție, în cadrul unui proces în care fiecare dintre cei aproape 1.500 de administratori și parteneri din BCG au votat pentru alegerea CEO-ului firmei, respectând  modelul unic de guvernanță și parteneriat al BCG.

„Le sunt extrem de recunoscător partenerilor noștri pentru încrederea acordată pentru conducerea  acestei organizații de talie mondială, întrucât intrăm într-un nou capitol de schimbări, provocări și oportunități fără precedent, atât pentru clienții noștri, cât și pentru omenire” a spus Schweizer, noul CEO ales. „Este o onoare să construiesc pe moștenirea incredibilă de creștere și extindere a capacităților companiei  lăsată de Rich, care a condus BCG cu atât integritate. La nivel de companie vom continua să sprijinim clienții și liderii globali în rezolvarea celor mai importante și complexe probleme ale acestora, să atragem și să susținem diverse talente și să ne implicam in cele mai dure provocări ale lumii, cum ar fi schimbările climatice.”

De la intrarea sa în echipa BCG în 1997, Schweizer a contribuit cu success la creșterea și transformarea marilor companii internaționale, în special a celor din domeniul sănătății, dar a colaborat și cu companii din domeniul investițional. Astăzi, el coordonează activitățile a 39 de birouri BCG,  din 23 de țări, care generează împreună 30% din veniturile companiei, precum și câteva segmente de business specializate cum ar fi BCG Platinion și INVERTO. Schwizer  a condus și extins în mod remarcabil prezența și impactul companiei BCG în regiune. Din 2014 este membru al Comitetului executiv și al Comitetului operațional al firmei. Deține un MBA de la Universitatea Texas din Austin și un BA  de la WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management din Koblenz. Schweizer locuiește în München, este căsătorit și are trei copii.

Schweizer este cel de-al șaptelea CEO al Boston Consulting Group în cei 58 de ani de istorie a companiei. El îi urmează lui Rich Lesser, care va deveni președinte global, după trei mandate încheiate și aproape nouă ani în calitate de CEO al BCG.

BCG’s Head of Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East Will Succeed Rich Lesser Following Era of Extraordinary Growth and Impact

Boston Consulting Group (BCG), one of the world’s leading management consulting firms, today announced that Christoph Schweizer has been elected the firm’s next chief executive officer, effective October 1, 2021. Schweizer, 48, has been BCG’s head of Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East since 2017. The native of Germany has worked for BCG for over 23 years, including in BCG’s New York office from 2007 to 2012, and is currently based in Munich. He has worked with clients on every continent.

Schweizer was elected in a process in which every one of the nearly 1,500 managing director & partners had an equal vote in the firm’s CEO election, reflecting BCG’s unique model of governance and partnership.

“I’m incredibly grateful to our partners for the trust they’ve placed in me to lead this world-class organization as we enter a new chapter of unprecedented change, challenge, and opportunity for our clients and for the world,” said CEO-elect Schweizer. “It’s an honor to build on Rich’s incredible legacy of growth and expansion of capabilities, and in leading BCG with such integrity. As a firm, we will continue to support clients and global leaders in their moments of truth and in solving their most important and complex problems, to attract and champion diverse talent, and to tackle the world’s toughest challenges, such as climate change.”

Schweizer served as head of BCG’s global practice areas from 2014 to 2017 and as global head of the firm’s Health Care practice from 2011 to 2014. Since joining BCG in 1997, Schweizer has developed a proven track record of growing and transforming major international businesses, particularly across the health care industry and with private equity firms. Today, he is responsible for 23 countries that make up 30% of firm revenues, including 39 offices and several specialty businesses, such as BCG Platinion and INVERTO, and has successfully led and expanded BCG’s reach and impact in the region. He has served as a member of the firm’s Executive Committee and Operating Committee since 2014. He holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin and a BA from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Koblenz. Schweizer lives in Munich with his wife and three children.

Lesser to Become Global Chair

Schweizer, who will be BCG’s seventh CEO in its 58-year history, will succeed Rich Lesser, who will become global chair after completing three terms and nearly nine years as CEO.

“As our next CEO, Christoph brings integrity, vision, and bold leadership to help our clients successfully navigate out of the global crisis and thrive in the new reality. I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Christoph as he has successfully built strong, diverse teams and robust, resilient businesses in a wide range of countries around the world, as well as cutting-edge capabilities in our practices,” said Lesser. “It’s been an honor to lead BCG, and I look forward to continuing to serve our clients, our people, and our purpose as global chair.”

Lesser has led a major expansion of BCG, tripling the firm’s business and more than doubling its workforce to over 22,000 employees during his tenure. The firm has expanded its footprint from 42 to 51 countries, with a major emphasis on diversity and inclusion in all its markets. Today, women represent 44% of BCG’s global staff and 35% of its Executive Committee; the number of female managing director & partners has grown at almost three times the rate of male managing director & partners.

Central to BCG’s success has been a rapid expansion in capabilities. BCG is now a clear leader in helping companies capture value from digital and analytics. The firm launched and scaled BCG Digital Ventures to collaborate with clients to build and accelerate the growth of digital business, and BCG GAMMA to deliver cutting-edge advanced analytics, machine-learning, and AI capabilities. BCG Platinion brings industry-leading technology know-how to support digital transformations in partnership with BCG’s sector and function teams. Today, client activities embedding technology, digital, and analytics now represent nearly 40% of BCG’s revenues, up from less than 10% a decade ago.

Lesser has championed BCG’s pioneering leadership on climate change, including its industry-first commitment to reach net-zero impact by 2030, the launch of the BCG Center for Climate & Sustainability, and serving as the consultancy partner for COP26. Lesser serves as the chief advisor to the World Economic Forum’s Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders.

Lesser also oversaw the creation of BCG TURN, a rapid performance acceleration unit; the launch of BCG’s now nearly $2 billion Principal Investor and Private Equity practice; the acquisition of BrightHouse, a pioneer in business purpose consulting; the launch of the BCG Henderson Institute think tank; and the launch of the Center for Public Impact, the not-for-profit foundation. He has accelerated BCG’s strong investments in social impact through its long-standing global partnerships, like the World Food Programme, Save the Children, and the World Wildlife Fund, along with collaborations with hundreds of NGOs and other organizations across the world. For more on Rich Lesser, please visit:

BCG’s current chairman, Hans-Paul Bürkner, will assume the role of managing director and global chair emeritus.

For further information, please contact Eric Gregoire at +1 617 850 3783 or

About Boston Consulting Group

Boston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities. BCG was the pioneer in business strategy when it was founded in 1963. Today, we work closely with clients to embrace a transformational approach aimed at benefiting all stakeholders—empowering organizations to grow, build sustainable competitive advantage, and drive positive societal impact.

Our diverse, global teams bring deep industry and functional expertise and a range of perspectives that question the status quo and spark change. BCG delivers solutions through leading-edge management consulting, technology and design, and corporate and digital ventures. We work in a uniquely collaborative model across the firm and throughout all levels of the client organization, fueled by the goal of helping our clients thrive and enabling them to make the world a better place.

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Cuvinte cheie:  Boston Consulting Group  Christoph Schweizer  Chief Executive Officer 


Boston Consulting Group anunță numirea lui Christoph Schweizer în funcția de CEO

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