Suciu Popa castiga un nou litigiu pentru Grup Feroviar Roman, stabilind in precedent important in practica judiciara privind avalizarea biletelor la ordin

21 iulie 2021, 02.06 - Afaceri   Avocatură  

Bucuresti - 21 iulie 2021 -

Suciu Popa este incantata sa anunte ca a reprezentat cu succes Grup Feroviar Roman S.A., cel mai important transportator feroviar de marfa din Romania si unul dintre jucatorii de top regionali, in cadrul unui litigiu comercial de valoare semnificativa impotriva unei societati de recuperare creante, cesionara a unor creante rezultate din contracte de leasing imobiliar de la o banca comerciala, creante garantate prin bilete la ordin avalizate. Litigiul a vizat efectele garantiilor acordate prin avalizarea biletelor la ordin, in contextul inlocuirii, intre timp, prin acordul partilor, a avalistului, ceea ce a condus la incetarea avalului initial acordat.

Ca urmare a admiterii in integralitate a cererii de chemare in judecata formulata in numele clientului nostru, instanta de judecata a constatat incetarea efectelor avalului si a dispus restituirea integrala a sumelor incasate nelegal in temeiul avalului incetat. Solutia este una extrem de importanta si prezinta noutate in peisajul jurisprudential local, intrucat a demonstrat cu succes faptul ca autonomia avalului fata de raportul juridic fundamental preexistent nu poate fi absolutizata, ci trebuie cenzurata in raport de intentia reala a partilor, creditorul nemaibucurandu-se de dreptul de a pune in executare garantia reprezentata de aval cata vreme a consimtit la inlocuirea avalistului.

Echipa dedicata acestui litigiu a fost condusa de Miruna Suciu (Managing Partner) si a fost formata din Dan Ciobanu (Partner) si Radu Chiran (Managing Associate), sustinuti si de alti membri ai echipei de litigii ai Suciu Popa.

Suciu Popa este o firma de avocati de top, ce ofera servicii juridice complete, cu performante notabile in toate ariile dreptului afacerilor, incluzând litigii si arbitraje, drept imobiliar, administrativ si contencios, dezvoltarea de proiecte, energie si resurse naturale, fiind clasată în mod constant de toate directoarele locale și internaționale in topul furnizorilor de servicii juridice. Fiind angajata pe deplin sa faca diferenta pe piața avocatiala din Romania, Suciu Popa se bazeaza pe experienta și reputatia solida a avocatilor și a partenerilor sai, construite pe parcursul a peste 20 de ani de asistenta a clientilor multinationali, investitorilor strategici și fondurilor de investitii, autoritaților publice și instituțiilor financiare internaționale, in unele dintre cele mai complexe tranzactii transfrontaliere, proiecte de investiții și litigii.

Suciu Popa wins a new litigation for Grup Feroviar Roman, establishing an important precedent with respect to guaranteed promissory notes

Suciu Popa is pleased to announce that it has successfully represented Grup Feroviar Roman SA, the most important railway freight carrier in Romania and one of the top regional market players, in a significant commercial dispute against a debt collection company, the assignee of certain receivables resulting from immovable leasing contracts from a commercial bank, secured by means of guaranteed promissory notes. The dispute concerned the effects of the securities created by guaranteeing the promissory notes, in the context of replacing in the meantime the guarantor, which resulted in the termination of the initial guarantee of the promissory notes.

Following the full admission of the statement of claim on behalf of our client, the court of law ascertained the cessation of the effects of the guarantee and ordered the full reimbursement of the amounts unduly under the terminated guarantee of the promissory notes. This decision is extremely important and represents a complete novelty within the local jurisprudential landscape, as it has successfully established that the autonomy of the guarantee from a pre-existing fundamental legal relationship is not absolute, but must be censored according to the real intention of the parties, the creditor no longer being entitled to enforce the security represented by the guarantee of the promissory notes as long as it has consented to the replacement of the guarantor.


The team dedicated to this dispute was led by Miruna Suciu (Managing Partner) and was formed by Dan Ciobanu (Partner) and Radu Chiran (Managing Associate), supported by other members of the Suciu Popa dispute resolution team.


Suciu Popa is a top law firm with a full-service practice, with notable performances within all areas of business law, including dispute resolution and arbitration, real estate, administrative disputes, project development, energy & renewables, being constantly ranked by all local and international directories in the top tiers of legal services providers. Fully committed to making a difference on the Romanian market, Suciu Popa relies on the solid experience and reputation of its attorneys and partners, built over more than 20 years of acting for multinational clients, strategic investors and investment funds, public authorities and international financial institutions, in some of the most complex cross-border transactions, investment projects and dispute resolution cases.


Comunicat de presă furnizat și asumat de Suciu Popa


Cuvinte cheie:  Suciu Popa  Grup Feroviar Roman  Miruna Suciu  Dan Ciobanu  Radu Chiran 

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